Interesting places and sights can be seen in Elbląg. This city is located in Poland and is of great interest for tourists. Throughout history, the city belonged to Prussia for some time, and then to Poland. In 1945, Soviet troops entered the territory and resettled most of the Poles from the Soviet Union. Today, there are many monuments and a military cemetery.

Those who like to travel by car usually book a car in Poland in advance online. Rates may vary by season, length of rental, and additional specials available. You can also choose a hotel in Warsaw online at the best price.

How to get to the city?

Planes do not fly here, the nearest airport is located on the territory of Gdansk.

Cafes and restaurants in the city.

Studnia smakowa - popular restaurants in Poland. Here you can find traditional dishes. For children, there are delicious recipes for sweets and an interesting presentation of food. The signature dish is homemade macaroni and cheese.

The unusual design and interior of the cafe is a break dance dance direction. In the central part of the city, since 1991, a tram has traveled through the territory, everyone could come inside to ride it and drink hot coffee or tea. Such a pleasant pastime will provide an opportunity to enjoy all the beauties of nature and society.

Where and what to see in the city?

1) Elbląg Church of St. Nicholas is the largest cathedral in Poland. Its height is about 98 meters. Construction began in the middle of the 13th century and lasted more than five years. The interior of the building is built in the Gothic style. You can listen to sacred music concerts.

2) There is a museum near the cathedral. The building contains archaeological excavations from the Prussian era.

3) Bazhantarnya Park - the territory is very huge, about 367 hectares. More than hundreds of thousands of trees and shrubs have been planted. There are benches for a comfortable pastime. The landscape is varied, you can see a green forest in which a stream flows and fish splashes. Mountains and plains, in summer many tourists visit the cable car, and in winter they ski down the snow.

4) If you go to the sea. Then the Baltic coast will please with its warm sand and cool water. Even in the hottest time, the water is eighteen degrees. There are huge hotels on the coast. The sea stretches through many cities that have enough amazing places to travel.

Gdansk - a tourist needs to visit ancient churches and cathedrals.

Gdynia is a large ship port and a museum.
Kołobrzeg - a lot of festivals take place here on summer nights. Colorful and colorful houses attract every traveler.

5) Brom's Gate of Trade - is an epic place. Located in the city center in the old place. In ancient times, these ruins served as defensive forces. To this day, stone blocks of basements and granaries have been preserved. Next to them you can see a statue of a little boy who once helped save the city.

Legend: In the middle of the night in the city, a little boy had a light on. In the meantime, a military man made his way into the territory, seeing that he had given a clean command to the invaders who were waiting for him outside the gate. The guy saw this and cut all the ropes holding the gate, and they closed. Hearing the roar, everyone ran out to look at the little savior, but he was wounded.

Where to stay in Elbląg?

Hotels are located in the central part of the city, the cost is around 40 euros, and if you go a little further, the same apartments will cost an order of magnitude lower.

The most luxurious hotel is located in the Royal House. The rooms are decorated in historical style, but all the furniture is modern. Candelabra and age-old weapons hang along the walls. On the territory there is a museum with various historical events and images. The backyard has an indoor pool and spa. Many vacationers like to stay in it and study the historical culture.

The city has the opportunity to visit the shops and do a lot of shopping.It sells a lot of different brands of clothes and shoes.Loyal customers are given discount cards and 24/7 customer support.

1. The Malbor Gallery is a large chain of shops and restaurants. A visit will give you the opportunity to enjoy all the interesting and traditional types of dishes.
2. Wenic - inexpensive clothes for the little ones. Let every child feel beautiful. Each visitor will be able to fully enjoy all the beauties and sights of the city.